Wednesday, May 13, 2009

let your ideas take flight

This is what we call conception...of an idea. I've had an image swirling around in my head for months now. I'm not a great artist, but I have a great creative idea of what I want to get done. I'm itching for some ink.


  1. Ink? Heck yes, I'm down! Name the time and the place and I will be right there with ya. Uh, is that a peacock??

  2. Kind of and not me, it looks sooo much better in my head. I'll have to see what artistic genius Joe comes up with.

  3. yay! where you going to get it? (placement, not shop.)
    i have something very similar with a sparrow.
    i love tattoos. do it do it do it.

  4. My upper back, maybe my left sholder draping down to my right side...not entire sure yet. In a good place where I can turn it into a quarter sleeve at some future point in life. :)
